The following are some things that can cause Back & Neck pain:
- Poor and repeated posture
- Whiplash
- Arthritic conditions
- Falls
- Repetitive Overuse Strain from work positions
- Scoliosus
- Incorrect Exercise Programmes
- Heavy Rehearsal Programmes for Dancers
Neck and back problems should be treated as soon as possible rather than waiting for the problem to go away.
Muscle spasms and nerve impingements can refer pain into your arms from the neck area or in the case of Lower Back into the thigh, calf and /or foot. Loss of strength or change in sensation in the form of “pins and needles” can also be associated. Previous X-Rays or Scans can help explain these symptoms further and Colleen can make referrals and interpret as required.
First Consultation:
A full History will be taken so please arrive 10 minutes early in order to fill in a History Sheet. Bring any Medical Reports and X- Rays or Scans with you that are related to the problem and the name of any medications you are on. Also bring details of any exercise programmes you are on. Treatment will begin during this first appointment.